Monday, August 19, 2013

Soylent: Recipe, Strawberry


This is my first recipe containing the dehydrated strawberries.  The strawberries cover some of the vitamin C from the tomato powder, allowing less of the tomato.  The result is improved flavor.  The downside is that the strawberries are a bit expensive, adding almost 50 cents per meal to the cost.

As with the other recipes, I having been mixing this with enough water to fill three 20fl oz Gatorade bottles (so, with water, I get 60fl oz).  This makes the stuff fairly thick (frozen, it makes a decent ice cream-like substance).  If you want it thinner, add enough water to get 80fl oz total (or just add water to the desired thickness).  I have tried this once, and the consistency is still very good with 80fl oz.  It works best if you blend it well.

Ingredient                               Amount (grams)
----------                               --------------
Naturade Total Soy All Natural Powder      105
Soy Lecithin                                15
Whole Grain Oat Flour                      115
Olive Oil                                   30
Brown Sugar                                 70
Dried Basil                                  5
Baking Cocoa Powder                         20
Turmeric                                     2
Flaxseed Meal                               20
Country Fresh Non-fat Powdered Milk         75
Iodized Salt                                 1
Cinnamon Powder                              1
Tomato Powder                               10
Dehydrated Strawberries                     35
Salt Substitute                              1
Dried Parsley                                0
Dried Ginger                                 0

 Fat:           67.06 g
 Carbs:        292.52 g
   Fiber:       35.78 g
   Sugar:      146.48 g
 Protein:       96.23 g

 Fat:          603.54 cal
 Carbs:       1170.09 cal
   Fiber:      143.13 cal
   Sugar:      585.93 cal
 Protein:      384.93 cal
 Total:       2158.56 cal

Nutrient               RDV          Total      Upper Limit
--------               ---          -----      -----------
A                   900.00 ug     2110.55 ug    3000.00 ug
B12                   2.40 ug        6.12 ug        inf ug
B6                    1.30 mg        2.67 mg     100.00 mg
Biotin               30.00 ug      306.25 ug        inf ug
C                    90.00 mg      264.20 mg    2000.00 mg
Calcium            1000.00 mg     2452.15 mg    2500.00 mg
Carb                130.00 g       292.52 g      325.00 g
Choline             550.00 mg      557.97 mg    3500.00 mg
Chromium             35.00 ug      122.50 ug    1900.00 ug
Copper              900.00 ug     2494.58 ug   10000.00 ug
D3                   15.00 ug       15.01 ug     100.00 ug
E                    15.00 mg       28.41 mg    1000.00 mg
Fat                  65.00 g        67.06 g       77.00 g
Fiber                38.00 g        35.78 g         inf g
Folate              400.00 ug      627.17 ug    1000.00 ug
Iodine              150.00 ug      219.80 ug    1100.00 ug
Iron                  8.00 mg       35.46 mg      45.00 mg
K                   120.00 ug      122.07 ug        inf ug
Magnesium           420.00 mg      803.64 mg        inf mg
Manganese             2.30 mg       10.75 mg      11.00 mg
Molybdenum           45.00 ug      136.50 ug    2000.00 ug
Niacin               16.00 mg       26.09 mg      35.00 mg
Pantothenic Acid      5.00 mg       11.74 mg        inf mg
Phosphorus          700.00 mg     2850.73 mg    4000.00 mg
Potassium             4.70 g         4.92 g       18.00 g
Protein              65.00 g        96.23 g      125.00 g
Riboflavin            1.30 mg        3.55 mg        inf mg
Selenium             55.00 ug      117.30 ug     400.00 ug
Sodium                1.50 g         1.50 g        2.30 g
Sugar                 0.00 g       146.48 g         inf g
Thiamin               1.20 mg        2.71 mg        inf mg
Zinc                 11.00 mg       22.13 mg      40.00 mg


This recipe is even lower calorie than the high tomato one.  As with the tomato recipe, I would recommend figuring out your recommended calorie intake based on your weight and height, then adding more calories as recommended in my Documents post.

This recipe has enough cinnamon to increase insulin sensitivity, but may take up to 40 days to see the full benefits.  Also, a packet of processed stevia sweetener can be added to potentially increase insulin sensitivity.  (This statement has not been reviewed by the FDA etc...)

My more recent recipes reduce the strawberries dramatically, but this does not seem to harm the flavor any. The result is that it still tastes good, but has lower cost, since the strawberries are pretty pricey (even this recipe costs less than the average American spends on food though).

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